Since 1947, CCS Fundraising has empowered many of the world’s greatest organisations to advance some of the most important causes in history. As leading consulting experts in campaign and development strategy, we plan and implement fundraising initiatives to help nonprofit organisations make a bigger impact—locally, nationally, and globally.

Interested in our services?
We turn insights into actions, challenges into opportunities, and fundraising goals into mission impact.
Instilling Confidence in Your Fundraising
Throughout today’s ever-changing times, how do you “stay the course” and continue to garner support for your organisation’s unique mission? This webinar focuses on guidance for nonprofits to maintain confidence in their fundraising efforts.
Refreshing Your Prospect List
Developing a comprehensive prospect list bespoke to your organisation and aligned to your programmes is a critical part of enabling success. Given the changing economic and social circumstances nationally and internationally, it may be necessary to revisit your prospect list to ensure that you are focusing resources and time on those relationships most likely to progress your goals.
Alternative Campaign Approaches
For more than 100 years, the traditional fundraising campaign has been the vehicle of choice for nonprofits to energise the community and secure significant philanthropic commitments. Campaigning raises more money, creates excitement, provides a rationale to support giving, and demonstrates what donations will accomplish. To mitigate the traditional post-campaign lull, alternative fundraising campaign designs are becoming more common.
Writing a Compelling Case for Support: 5 Steps for Getting Started
An effective case can excite, compel, and inspire your donors to raise their philanthropic sights. Read our 5 tips to keep in mind when you are drafting your case document.