March 30, 2021 12:00 am


Social and human service institutions across the country received an influx of donors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. How might these organizations encourage donors to offer long-term mission support after making short-term crisis donations? Join CCS Fundraising and sector leaders as we share tools to transition these new donors into mission champions.

Social and human service institutions across the country received an influx of donors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. How might these organizations encourage donors to offer long-term mission support after making short-term crisis donations? Join CCS Fundraising and sector leaders as we share tools to transition these new donors into mission champions. We will use key findings from our recent survey, strategies we’ve found successful, the McKinsey Influence Model, and sector case studies to help you create a sustainable donor retention plan for your organization.


Lindsay Freyermuth

Lindsay Freyermuth

Senior Vice President