CCS Fundraising helped Christ Church Cranbrook raise more than $10.9M on a $8M goal to fund several capital projects. The resulting construction has allowed them to better fulfill their mission of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing Beauty, and serving Others.

A picture of construction at Christ Church Cranbrook.

Based in: Bloomfield Hills, MI, Central US, United States

Sector: Faith, Episcopal

Reach: Local

Key Elements

  • With CCS’s partnership on a feasibility study and help conducting a campaign, Christ Church Cranbrook surpassed their $8 million goal, raising more than $10.9 million.
  • Christ Church Cranbrook received an average gift size of $27,800.
  • 85% of the campaign goal was raised nine weeks before Commitment Weekend.
  • With the capacity to address the need for capital improvements across their church campus, the future looks bright for Christ Church Cranbrook.

CCS provides unparalleled guidance, insight, and staff support. We could not have been as successful as we were without them.

The Rev. Dr. William J. Danaher, Jr., Rector, Christ Church Cranbrook

the challenge

As they looked toward celebrating 100 years of serving the faith community, Christ Church Cranbrook sought how best to serve the needs of a growing and expanding population. As a result, the Vestry brought forth and approved several capital projects that would help Christ Church Cranbrook better fulfill their mission of meeting Jesus, finding Joy, sharing Beauty, and serving Others:

Christ Church Cranbrook knew that they would need help raising the funds to enhance and expand their campus and looked to CCS as experts.

the solution

Christ Church Cranbrook retained CCS to conduct a feasibility study, which revealed that Christ Church Cranbrook was ready to embark on a fundraising campaign with an $8 million goal. CCS continued our partnership with Christ Church Cranbrook to conduct a successful fundraising campaign.

CCS worked with Christ Church Cranbrook to implement the campaign through a methodical phased approach where every member of the congregation was provided the opportunity to participate.

the impact

Christ Church Cranbrook raised more than $10.9 million on a $8 million goal from 329 gifts. Throughout the campaign, the average gift ($27,800) remained higher than benchmark standards. The Campaign was over goal heading into Commitment Weekend and Christ Church Cranbrook continue to receive gifts.

Due to this successful partnership, Christ Church Cranbrook was able to celebrate the completion of construction in September 2022. The new space has been a blessing to all who have entered the campus.

Featured Team Member

The campaign at Christ Church Cranbrook not only raised the necessary funds to build tangible items for their campus, but also brought the beauty and grace of partnering with a client who seeks the good in everyone.

Andrea Essling, Senior Vice President, CCS Fundraising
A profile picture of Andrea Essling.

Case Studies

Christ and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

Christ and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

Mid-Atlantic and Southeast US

Christ and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church partnered with CCS on a feasibility study and historic capital campaign. In addition to going over goal, this partnership has transformed how the parish approaches fundraising.

Trinity Church

Trinity Church

Northeast US

Trinity Church, a historic and iconic church in Boston, needed foundational repairs and restoration work. Donors proposed a $27M challenge grant, so Trinity Church retained CCS to assist with the design and management of the quiet phase, which raised over $27M.