CCS and ICSC are proud to collaborate on new ways to support your important work through our webinar series showcasing creative ideas and innovations.

A banner image that includes the CCS logo and ICSC logo.

A lead gift can be the single most impactful tool to help advance your institutional goals. Securing a lead gift might not be easy, but there is a clear path to success if you lock in your strategy, have the right support, and follow your plan. Tune in to this webinar to follow the story of how a Catholic parish, diocese, and school identified the right gift amount, donor engagement, and case language to transform their vision into reality with a lead gift.


Shawn Trahan Taylor

Shawn Trahan Taylor

Vice President

Brian Doyle

Brian Doyle

Mission Advancement Officer

Diocese of Toledo
Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy

Executive Director

Sarah Sochacki

Sarah Sochacki

Managing Director

Brad Patterson

Brad Patterson

Executive Vice President

Thomas Kissane

Thomas Kissane

Vice Chair

More Insights


The CCS Philanthropy Pulse: What Does the Data Say and What Does it Mean for Religious Institutions?

Spring 2022

How are religious institutions approaching fundraising this year? And how does it differ from years past? View this webinar recording to discover key findings from a recent survey of nearly 100 religious organizations.


Catholic Fundraising Video Series: Perspectives on Stewardship in a Digital World

June 10, 2021

Tune in to CCS Fundraising and #iGiveCatholic’s three-part video series featuring engaging conversations with dioceses, parishes, and schools to hear firsthand how these organizations have navigated stewardship in a digital world.

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