What are your biggest fundraising challenges today?
Is your organisation going through a transition period, creating the opportunity to re-orient your processes and systems? Perhaps you need to figure out how to proportionately balance major gift officer portfolios. Or maybe you need to build an alumni engagement program for your school.
CCS consultants offer bespoke, project-based guidance and advisory services that can be tailored to your unique needs. We can work with your development team to strategise and implement fundraising programs, such as:
Major gift initiatives
We assist in developing, customising, and carrying out donor engagement tactics. Working with your staff and volunteer leaders, we develop a pipeline of qualified prospective donors, design individual strategies to engage each of your top prospects, and coach your staff and volunteer leaders through the entire cultivation process.
annual giving strategies
We have proven success working with a wide variety of organisations to plan and execute successful annual giving programs. We work closely with teams to examine donor behaviors, establish a donor stewardship strategy, and create an action plan to help you reach your goals.
case development
We are experts in crafting and conveying compelling messaging and inspiring cases for support. From the initial brainstorming stages through material design and production, we distill key messages and develop a strategic plan for all digital and printed materials.

How can we help you?
Let’s chat about your organisation’s unique needs.