Featuring essential philanthropic research from all major sources in the industry, this exclusive report examines key themes in American philanthropy and the latest data on giving by US individuals, foundations, and corporations.

The Innovations in Philanthropy section was my favorite! I especially liked the emphasis on data integrity, and thinking about ‘what should we track’ versus ‘what can we track’ — this is something I’ve stressed to my team members, that just because we CAN find the information and store it, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD — especially when remembering that donors can request access to their files in our database!

Steffanie Brown, Director of Prospect Research and Advancement Services, Florida Institute of Technology

2023 Philanthropic Landscape

For the past 12 years, CCS’s Philanthropic Landscape reports have compiled and analyzed data from Giving USA and other leading industry sources to reveal an accurate, laser-focused look at the current state of philanthropy in the US.

The cover page of the 2023 Philanthropic Landscape report displaying on a laptop computer.

In addition to examining 2022’s philanthropic trends in the individual, high net worth, foundation, corporate, digital, and gift planning spaces, the 2023 Philanthropic Landscape report also investigates emerging innovations in AI and data for philanthropy.

This 12th edition report answers questions like:

  • How much did American donors give to charity in 2022?
  • What giving methods are disrupting the philanthropic sector?
  • How are organizations looking to integrate DEI from the inside out?
  • What data innovations can a nonprofit use to effectively engage and retain donors?

Set your organization up for success in the year ahead by downloading your copy of the report today.

In this year’s report, we include a new chapter, ‘Innovations in Data and Technology for Philanthropy,’ which closely examines the dynamic world of data, analytics, and the emerging impact of artificial intelligence. Particularly, we offer greater insight on how data, analytics, and AI intersect in our increasingly technology-reliant world and how they will continue to impact our philanthropic ecosystem.

Lindsay Marciniak, CCS Managing Director and Report Co-Chair
A profile picture of Lindsay Marciniak
A profile picture of Ruyi Lu.

While the current philanthropic landscape is nuanced and complex, we’ve seen in our work with client partners that motivated donors will continue rising to the occasion with their giving, and nonprofit organizations will continue expanding their reach and making an impact in the communities they serve. It is an exciting time to be part of the advancements bettering our world.

Ruyi Lu, CCS Senior Vice President and Report Co-Chair

Philanthropic Landscape Archive

See all our Philanthropic Landscape reports throughout the years.