Jeff Kula, Senior Vice Chair, Philanthropy, Cleveland Clinic

Learn About:

  • The history of AI
  • Implementing AI in your fundraising strategy
  • Benefits and considerations of using AI
  • AI example cases and making the most of AI chat prompts
  • And more!

AI is changing the way nonprofits fundraise

Nonprofits often operate with limited resources and staff but are responsible for securing funding, engaging with supporters, and fulfilling the organization’s mission. AI makes this easier. 

Traditional AI—algorithms and techniques that group or separate objects, transactions, or entities—and Modern AI—used to generate content, images, or video based on simple text prompts—can be instrumental to an effective fundraising strategy. Traditional and Modern AI (Gen AI) allow you to work more efficiently and productively.  

With AI, you can obtain accurate, rich data to build custom predictive models around acquiring, segmenting, reassigning, and retaining donors. AI can also create a targeted list of major donor prospects, identify which donors to upgrade based on their donation history, and personalize donor communications by segmenting their interests.  

streamlined donor management

Managing your nonprofit’s donor database manually can be incredibly time-consuming and prone to errors. AI can help you automate your data entry, clean up existing data, and ensure that current and prospective donor data is accurate and updated.  

Further, AI can segment donors based on various factors, including donation history, interests, and engagement level with your organization. You can use this information to tailor your fundraising and communication strategies to each donor group. One example is using AI to identify previous donors who have lapsed and automatically generate reengagement appeals to encourage them to become donors again. 

automated processes

Gen AI can automate processes for nonprofits with lean support staff, including acknowledgment letters for all donation designations—you can edit and approve these automated versions before sending them to donors. Gen AI-powered automation can also create impact stories of significant gifts to share with current and prospective donors. 

likelihood prediction

One of the most promising uses of AI in fundraising is predicting which donors are likeliest to give to your nonprofit again. By analyzing donation histories, AI algorithms can forecast future donations and help segment donors, allowing for more tailored communication and targeted fundraising strategies.  

One such prediction method is Random Forests, or “decision trees,” which use specific conditions to visually map out all possible outcomes of a decision. This AI-driven approach removes the need for manual decision-making and helps you enhance your targeting efforts for potential donors and donations. 

enhanced fundraising campaigns

AI can analyze your organization’s past campaign performance and predict which strategies are likeliest to succeed by assessing criteria such as donor demographics, previous donations, and contribution frequency to recommend the best outreach timing and methods. 

content generation

AI language generation models like ChatGPT can create qualification emails, thank-you letters, and proposals as well as research profiles. By automating content creation and testing variations, AI ensures you present the best possible content to donors. This boosts efficiency, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.  

leverage the power of aI for your nonprofit

Relationship-building is essential to successful fundraising, and AI is not designed to replace but augment human work. When it comes to efficiency and productivity, AI has the potential to transform not just nonprofit operations but donor engagement and retention. By automating routine tasks, personalizing donor engagement strategies, and providing data-driven insights, AI allows you to focus more on your organization’s mission.  

Embracing AI technology can help you secure the necessary resources to achieve your nonprofit’s goals and drive your mission forward for an even greater impact. 

Still have questions about AI?

Our industry-leading Data Analytics team is here to help!

Explore Our Reports


The Philanthropy Outlook 2024 and 2025

March 13, 2024

Strengthen your fundraising strategy this year and next with this data-driven publication, revealing predictive insights for the philanthropic sector in the years ahead.


CCS Philanthropy Pulse

February 15, 2024

The 2024 CCS Philanthropy Pulse report serves as a guide for fundraisers, offering insights into the modern strategies nonprofits employ for development and highlighting avenues for fundraising success.


2023 Philanthropic Landscape, 12th Edition

August 29th, 2023

Featuring essential philanthropic research from all major sources in the industry, this exclusive report examines key themes in American philanthropy and the latest data on giving by US individuals, foundations, and corporations.

CCS Fundraising is excited to share The Philanthropy Outlook 2024 & 2025 report. This publication, researched and written by the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, forecasts the giving environment of the next few years, focusing on the notable trends nonprofit practitioners will likely see in the space. In addition to exploring the economic variables impacting philanthropy, this data-driven report projects total giving and giving by all four donor sources, including households, foundations, estates, and corporations.

The cover page of The Philanthropy Outlook 2024 & 2025, which includes an image of person looking confidently ahead in an urban landscape.

Most notably, the study found that charitable giving is expected to grow in 2024 and 2025—both overall and for each source:

  • Total charitablegiving is expected to rise above the historical 10-year, 25-year, and 40-year annualized average rates of growth in both 2024 and 2025.
  • Giving by households is predicted to grow but will trail the rate of growth for total giving.
  • Giving by foundations is expected to experience strong growth, outpacing growth rates for total giving in 2024 and 2025.
  • Giving by estates is anticipated to experience stronger growth in 2025, rising above the historical 10-year, 25-year, and 40-year annualized average rates of growth.
  • Giving by corporations is also projected to grow but will lag historic rates of growth for this sector.

For an engaging discussion on takeaways from the report with esteemed industry panelists in finance, nonprofit fundraising, and philanthropy, explore our Philanthropy and Economic Outlook webinar.

More Insights


Philanthropy and Economic Outlook Webinar

March 12, 2024

The economy’s impact on philanthropy is one of the most pressing topics for nonprofit leaders today. Plan your organization’s fundraising with confidence with this on-demand video and accompanying article.


Charitable Giving During Presidential Elections

February 23, 2024

As we approach the 2024 US presidential election, many nonprofit professionals wonder if and how politics will affect this year’s charitable giving landscape. Read on as we examine research that helps us understand the relationship between nonprofit fundraising and political giving.


CCS Philanthropy Pulse

February 15, 2024

The 2024 CCS Philanthropy Pulse report serves as a guide for fundraisers, offering insights into the modern strategies nonprofits employ for development and highlighting avenues for fundraising success.

Key Findings:

  • Fundraising revenue grew across the board in FY22. However, organizations with larger fundraising budgets saw better revenue performance than that of their peers.
  • With donor retention a top challenge, only 48% of organizations reported retaining over half their new donors in the previous 12 months.
  • Only about one-third of organizations increased fundraising staff in 2023, but 68% have increased staff pay.
  • While fundraiser comfort in using data has increased over the past 3 years, most organizations are not yet leveraging AI technology.

Philanthropy Pulse Sector Spotlights

Dive into our sector spotlights below for data specific to Arts & Culture, Health, Higher Education, Human Services, Primary & Secondary Schools, and Faith.

As you dive into the report and sector spotlights, what data points stick out to you?

Join the conversation on social media by using #2024CCSPhilanthropyPulse.

Explore More CCS Research Reports


2023 Philanthropic Landscape, 12th Edition

August 29th, 2023

Featuring essential philanthropic research from all major sources in the industry, this exclusive report examines key themes in American philanthropy and the latest data on giving by US individuals, foundations, and corporations.


Philanthropy Pulse Report Library

February 15, 2024

Discover previous editions of CCS’s Philanthropy Pulse report to understand how nonprofit fundraising practices have evolved over several years.

How can we help you?

Our unique, customized approach can provide your organization with of-the-moment, sustainable solutions.

As the leading strategic consulting partner for nonprofits, CCS Fundraising is committed to understanding how organizations like yours can navigate the shifting philanthropic landscape and best position themselves for fundraising success.

Our annual Philanthropy Pulse report compiles and contextualizes survey data to guide fundraisers, offering insights into the modern strategies nonprofits employ for development. Check out previous editions of our main report below:

The cover image of the 2023 CCS Philanthropy Pulse report.
The cover image of the 2022 CCS Philanthropy Pulse report.

2nd Edition, 2023

1st Edition, 2022

CCS Philanthropy Pulse SECTOR SPOTLIGHTs

In addition to the main report, CCS explores fundraising practice data by nonprofit sector. Check out our spotlights from previous years for Arts & Culture, Health, Higher Education, Human Services, Primary & Secondary Schools, and Faith below.



CCS Philanthropy Pulse

February 15, 2024

The 2024 CCS Philanthropy Pulse report serves as a guide for fundraisers, offering insights into the modern strategies nonprofits employ for development and highlighting avenues for fundraising success.


2023 Philanthropic Landscape, 12th Edition

August 29th, 2023

Featuring essential philanthropic research from all major sources in the industry, this exclusive report examines key themes in American philanthropy and the latest data on giving by US individuals, foundations, and corporations.

Interested in our services?

CCS turns insights into actions, challenges into opportunities, and fundraising goals into mission impact.

The Innovations in Philanthropy section was my favorite! I especially liked the emphasis on data integrity, and thinking about ‘what should we track’ versus ‘what can we track’ — this is something I’ve stressed to my team members, that just because we CAN find the information and store it, doesn’t mean that we SHOULD — especially when remembering that donors can request access to their files in our database!

Steffanie Brown, Director of Prospect Research and Advancement Services, Florida Institute of Technology

2023 Philanthropic Landscape

For the past 12 years, CCS’s Philanthropic Landscape reports have compiled and analyzed data from Giving USA and other leading industry sources to reveal an accurate, laser-focused look at the current state of philanthropy in the US.

The cover page of the 2023 Philanthropic Landscape report displaying on a laptop computer.

In addition to examining 2022’s philanthropic trends in the individual, high net worth, foundation, corporate, digital, and gift planning spaces, the 2023 Philanthropic Landscape report also investigates emerging innovations in AI and data for philanthropy.

This 12th edition report answers questions like:

  • How much did American donors give to charity in 2022?
  • What giving methods are disrupting the philanthropic sector?
  • How are organizations looking to integrate DEI from the inside out?
  • What data innovations can a nonprofit use to effectively engage and retain donors?

Set your organization up for success in the year ahead by downloading your copy of the report today.

In this year’s report, we include a new chapter, ‘Innovations in Data and Technology for Philanthropy,’ which closely examines the dynamic world of data, analytics, and the emerging impact of artificial intelligence. Particularly, we offer greater insight on how data, analytics, and AI intersect in our increasingly technology-reliant world and how they will continue to impact our philanthropic ecosystem.

Lindsay Marciniak, CCS Managing Director and Report Co-Chair
A profile picture of Lindsay Marciniak
A profile picture of Ruyi Lu.

While the current philanthropic landscape is nuanced and complex, we’ve seen in our work with client partners that motivated donors will continue rising to the occasion with their giving, and nonprofit organizations will continue expanding their reach and making an impact in the communities they serve. It is an exciting time to be part of the advancements bettering our world.

Ruyi Lu, CCS Senior Vice President and Report Co-Chair

Philanthropic Landscape Archive

See all our Philanthropic Landscape reports throughout the years.

An iPad showing the front cover of CCS's August 2023 "Raising and Investing Endowment Capital in the U.S. Education Sector" whitepaper.

Raising philanthropic funds for endowments is crucial for the financial stability of educational institutions in today’s challenging economic and demographic landscape. This white paper will offer step-by-step information on how to:

  • Craft a compelling case for support that emphasizes the institution’s mission, priorities, and the impact of donations
  • Establish strong donor relationships through regular updates, engagement opportunities, and recognition
  • Invest wisely in educational endowments to weather market fluctuations and ensure consistent returns
  • Collaborate with development professionals and experts
  • Partner with experienced investment professionals and financial advisors to navigate long-term investments

Download this resource today to inform the launch and health of your school’s endowment.

Ackowledgements: We thank our thought partners, Koda Capital, for their partnership on co-creating the original version of this whitepaper for the Australian market.

More Insights


Charitable Giving in the UK: Fundraiser Considerations

July 9, 2024

The US and UK are bastions of charitable giving. However, fundraising is not “one-size-fits-all,” and geography influences best practices. Learn factors that differentiate philanthropic trends and donor motivations in the UK from those in the US to tailor your fundraising strategy to UK donors and achieve the best results.


Perspectives on Philanthropy | Giving USA 2024

June 25, 2024

Explore this webinar marking the release of Giving USA 2024: The Annual Report on Philanthropy, presented by CCS Fundraising in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy!

This innovative report provides statistical insights to show the power of planned gifts, the role of planned gifts in campaigns, and guidance for projecting planned gifts based on realization data.

The State of Planned Giving in Fundraising report grew out of a desire and need to answer questions from our nonprofit partners about legacy giving. It compiles data from multiple projects conducted by CCS Fundraising’s Gift Planning Practice Group, including two surveys of 600 nonprofits about legacy giving, and draws on key research from Giving USA, Dr. Russell James, and other sources. Key findings include:

  • Legacy gifts comprised more than 16% of overall fundraising and 11% of campaigns.
  • The average legacy gift is significantly more than the average annual gift.
  • Unknown legacy gifts are likely of considerable value.
  • No clear relationship exists between legacy gift revenue and endowment size.
  • Legacy societies are underutilized as a powerful donor acquisition and retention tool.

More Insights


Making the Case for Endowment at Your Independent School

May 9, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic and the fluctuating economy in the years since revealed how critical endowments are for the growth and sustainability of independent schools. Learn how to make the case for an endowment at your school with our concrete tactics.


Proposals That Stand Out: Adding Financial Illustrations to Blended Gift Requests

April 25, 2024

Seeking gift strategies and tips for building effective proposals? Explore this on-demand video.

The front cover of the March 2023 "Raising & Investing Endowment Capital in the Education Sector" report

For many school foundations and university councils, generating endowment capital is a top priority. Although there is a popular misconception that endowment funds are harder to raise than capital project funds due to the lack of tangible outcomes, endowments have long-term, positive effects on organizational programs and the people they serve.

While Australian fundraisers do face challenges in raising endowments, the education sector has seen success. Australian fundraisers can build upon this success by adopting the right mindset, dedicating resources, and utilizing best practice strategies.

CCS Fundraising is a strategic fundraising firm that partners with nonprofits around the world for transformational change.

Koda Capital is an independent investment governance advisor and endowment portfolio manager advising Australian secondary and tertiary education institutions.

More Insights


Charitable Giving in the UK: Fundraiser Considerations

July 9, 2024

The US and UK are bastions of charitable giving. However, fundraising is not “one-size-fits-all,” and geography influences best practices. Learn factors that differentiate philanthropic trends and donor motivations in the UK from those in the US to tailor your fundraising strategy to UK donors and achieve the best results.


Perspectives on Philanthropy | Giving USA 2024

June 25, 2024

Explore this webinar marking the release of Giving USA 2024: The Annual Report on Philanthropy, presented by CCS Fundraising in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy!

New York, NY (May 22, 2022) – Today, CCS Fundraising, the world’s leading fundraising consulting firm, announced a series of transitions within its Executive Leadership Team.

The firm announced the retirement of outgoing Chairman Bob Kissane who has been crucial to the success of innumerable philanthropic and development projects for over 40 years. Bob will continue to support CCS and its clients in an advisory capacity for the foreseeable future.

Rick Happy will become Chairman of CCS Fundraising. Rick has been with the firm for over three decades and has established himself as a philanthropic leader in the U.S. and abroad. Rick will continue to lead the firm’s work throughout the Western United States.

“I want to thank Bob for his incredible service to the firm for over 40 years, and his pivotal role in its strategic evolution over that period. I wish him a happy and well-deserved retirement,” said Rick Happy, incoming CCS Chairman. “These last three decades, it has been an honor to serve our incredible clients and I’m looking forward to continuing that work as well as the exciting challenges ahead in my added capacity as Chairman.

Jon Kane, who has served as President of CCS since 2016, will become President & CEO. Jon Kane brings over 25 years of expertise in business, management, and strategic consulting, and deep pride in CCS’ work and commitment to its clients to his new role.

Tom Kissane and Robert (“Bo”) Rice, Principal & Managing Directors with over 30 years each with CCS, and leaders in the sector, are taking on the additional title of Vice-Chairmen.

The firm also announced the elevation of Sarah Krasin and Edward Van Saders to the role of Partner. Sarah leads the firm’s Boston office and has been instrumental in growing CCS’ presence and client partnerships across the New England region. Edward Van Saders is the firm’s Chief Financial Officer and has over 30 years of leadership experience. Sarah and Edward join a partnership comprised of 25 leaders in the philanthropic sector.

“I’m delighted to welcome Sarah Krasin and Edward Van Saders to our esteemed group of CCS partners, and to be expanding our leadership team overall,” said Jon Kane, CEO & President. “Both Sarah and Edward have been instrumental in the firm’s development, and their expertise and immense knowledge of the nonprofit sector will continue to be incredible assets as we look toward the firm’s growth in the future.”

About CCS Fundraising

CCS Fundraising is a strategic consulting firm that has partnered with nonprofits for transformational change for 75 years. CCS Fundraising provides a wide range of services that support and strengthen nonprofit fundraising programs, including campaign management, strategic planning, data analytics, and major gift strategy. The firm’s experts, skilled in campaign and development strategy, work closely with organizations of all sizes across nonprofit sectors and geographies.

Our latest infographic provides a review of CCS’s recent activities by the numbers.

If you have any questions about this publication or about CCS in general, please contact

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One Year Later, CCS’s Re-affirmed Commitment to DEI & Racial Justice

June 4, 2021

One year ago, CCS purposefully affirmed our commitment to racial justice and our efforts to foster a more inclusive and equitable world. Today, we remain dedicated and steadfast in pushing this commitment forward.


Everyday Donors of Color: Uncovering the Latest Research

August 27, 2021

CCS is proud to partner with the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy on the release of the Everyday Donors of Color report, funded by the Gates Foundation.